Himani BundelaHimani Bundela is a blind woman from Agra, Uttar Pradesh. She is a maths teacher and was the first crorepati of Season 13 of Kaun Banega Crorepati. The 25-year-old responded to a series of questions when Amitabh Bachchan, the show's presenter, chose him from the hot seat. Himani was eliminated from the game for providing the incorrect response to a question valued at Rs 7 crore but received a monetary award of Rs 1 crore. She thanked the presenter gratefully at the end of the program. She stated that she intended to utilize the funds to start a specific coaching facility where children with disabilities would be taught. "Many students with disabilities are accepted into different schools and colleges," she said. However, there needs to be teachers or a specific coaching facility to aid in their preparation for competitive exams. Basic Information
Here's her Untold StoryHimani, who was born and brought up in Agra, saw her first KBC program at the age of nine. She even planned gameshow-style quizzes with her buddies. She has since wished to participate in the program, appear on television, and get to know Amitabh Bachchan. Himani, however, lost her vision in an accident in 2011 when she was just 15 years old. While recovering well, she struggled to adapt to her new way of life over the next six months and fell into a depressive state. She claims in an interview that "the preceding six months were terrible, and i rarely smiled, but I didn't give up; my family supported me and helped me finish school." But the difficulties didn't end there. Due to her condition, Himani's college applications were denied when she tried to submit them. But things started to change when she discovered Dr. Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University, Lucknow. She stated, "At this institution, regular students and students with disabilities will study together, and I could talk to others who shared some of my impairments also; thanks to the institution and my friends, I came out of my shell and earned a Bachelor's in Education and was hired as a maths teacher at Kendriya Vidyalaya in Agra." Himani applied for Season 13 of KBC in 2021 and kept pursuing her desire to compete in the competition. She thought it was a dream come true when she got nominated. She added, "I was nervous and excited while on the KBC set; my attention was dispersed throughout the fastest finger competition, but I remembered why I was there. In addition to helping my family and the disadvantaged community, it was to satisfy my childhood goals." Himani Bundela Age, Height, And WeightAge: Himani Bundela is currently 25 years old. Height: Regarding physical stature, Himani Bundela is 5 feet and 8 inches tall. Weight: Her weight is measured to be 58 kilograms, giving a sense of her physical build. What Was The Dream Of Himani Bundela?Himani Bundela had always aspired to be a doctor, but an event caused her to lose her vision, shattering her ambition. The Himani Bundela family members continuously encouraged her and never let their courage weaken.
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