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Reverse a Linked List in Groups of Given Size

Create a function that would reverse every t nodes in a linked list (where t is an input to the function).


Algorithm: reverse(head, t)

  • Reverse the first t-th sub-list. Maintain track of the next and previous nodes when reversing. Let next be the pointer to the next node and prev be the pointer to the previous node.
  • Head -> next = reverse (next, t) (Recursively obtain the rest of the list and connect the two sub-lists)
  • Return prev(prev becomes the new list's head).

The illustration below displays how the reverse process is functioning:

Reverse a Linked List in Groups of Given Size

The given technique is implemented as follows:

C Program:


Given linked list 
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 
Reversed Linked list 
13 12 11 16 15 14 19 18 17

Analysis of Complexity:

  • Time Complexity will be O (n).

The list is traversed just once, and it contains 'n' elements.

  • Auxiliary Space will be O(n/t).

During the recursion, calls will be performed for each Linked List of size n, n/t, or (n/t)+1.

This problem can be solved in O(1) Space Complexity.

Approach - 2 (Space Optimization - Iterative)

This Algorithm necessitates the following steps:

  1. Make a duplicate node and point it to the input's head, as in duplicate -> next = head.
  2. Determine the size of the linked list in O(N) time, where N is the linked list's size.
  3. For each group, initialise three-pointers prior, curr, and next to reverse t elements.
  4. Iterate through the linked lists until next!=NULL is reached.
  5. curr points to the previous->next and next to the curr next.
  6. Then, using the inner for loop, reverse the specific group using the following four steps:
    • curr->next = next->next
    • next->next = prev->next
    • prev->next = next
    • next = curr->next
  7. For all groups except the final remaining member, this for loop runs for t-1 times; for the last remaining element, it runs for the length of the linked list minus one.
  8. To estimate the size of the remaining linked list, increment count after the for loop by t cnt -= t.
  9. Set the prev position to curr, so that prev = curr.

The code for the aforementioned algorithm is provided below.

C Program:

C++ Program:


Given linked list 
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 
Reversed Linked list 
13 12 11 16 15 14 19 18 17

Analysis of Complexity:

  • Time Complexity will be O(N).

The while loop consumes O(N/t) time, whereas the inner for loop consumes O(t) time.

  • Auxiliary Space will be O(1).

There is no extra space used.

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