Serialize and Deserialize an N-ary Tree

Serializing and deserializing an N-ary tree involves converting it into a format that can be stored and transmitted. These trees represent relationships between elements, where each Node can have children. Common serialization formats include JSON, preorder traversal strings and custom encodings. The goal of serialization is to encode the tree structure and node values in a format. On the other hand, deserialization aims to decode this format and reconstruct the N-ary tree.

The ability to serialize and deserialize N ary trees is crucial for tasks like persisting them to storage or sending them across a network. This article explores techniques for serializing and deserializing these data structures.

Serialize and Deserialize an N-ary Tree

What is an N-ary Tree?

An N-ary tree is a type of tree data structure where each Node can have several children. The "N" in its name refers to any number other than zero, meaning that each Node has the potential to have anywhere from zero up to "N" child nodes.

Here are some key properties of N ary trees;

  • Each Node has a value and a list of references pointing to its child nodes.
  • The number of kids per Node can. Doesn't have any limits.
  • A tree has one Node with no ancestors.
  • All other nodes, except the one, have one ancestor.
  • Nodes without any kids are referred to as leaf nodes.
  • Trees that allow for N children, per Node, are versatile. It can represent any tree structure.
  • Nodes with no children are called leaf nodes.
  • Trees with N possible children per Node are flexible and can represent any tree structure

N-ary trees have applications that make them useful in different scenarios. They are commonly used for representing data where the number of children can vary. They are also used to model structures such as family tree organization charts or DOM trees in web development. N-ary trees also find utility in storing dictionaries like trie structures and implementing decision trees and neural networks for AI purposes. They can also serve as syntax trees in compilers.

The advantage of N ary trees over trees is their flexibility due to the number of children each Node can have. Although operations like inserting, deleting, and traversing N ary trees resemble those of trees, they require handling to manage multiple children per Node.

An N-ary tree generally consists of nodes that store values and references to child nodes within a structure rooted at a central node. This flexible representation allows for the portrayal of types of hierarchical data.

Serialization and Deserialization

Now, let's move on to discussing serialization and deserialization.


Serialization is converting an object or data structure into a format for storage or transmission across a network. Its main feature involves encoding the structure and state of an object into a sequence of bytes. This sequence can then be written to files, memory buffers, network sockets or similar mediums.

Serialization involves encoding the hierarchy, relationships and values of a data structure. Common serialization formats, like Protocol Buffers, include JSON, XML, and YAML as binary formats. The serialized data needs to contain information for reconstructing the object. Serialization usually converts objects into text or binary streams, enabling data storage, transmission across networks and persistence.


Deserialization refers to the process of reconstructing an object from its form. This involves the following steps;

  • Parsing the data using the specified encoding format.
  • Extracting the object's state and properties.
  • Programmatically reconstructing the object based on its state.
  • Restoring relationships between components of the object.
  • Providing access to an object's state after it has been transmitted or retrieved.

The main idea is that deserialization allows us to rebuild an object from its representation, ensuring that the same serialization format is used for this process. It's important to note that XML serialized data cannot be deserialized into JSON.

In general, serialization and deserialization play roles in storing and transmitting data structures. Objects across different environments. They serve as mechanisms for persisting and exchanging data.

Applications of Serialization and Deserialization

Here are a few applications of serialization and deserialization;

  • Persistence: Serialization enables objects and data structures to be saved to disk or storage. Later, by deserializing them, we can retrieve their state. This is particularly useful for preserving program state and data between runs.
  • Transmission: We can send objects over communication links like networks or interprocess communication channels by serializing objects. The receiver can then deserialize these serialized bytes, facilitating the transmission of objects across systems.
  • Caching: Serialization can be used to save object duplicates in a cache for retrieval. The cache holds the bytes, which helps avoid the need to recreate objects and reduces overhead.
  • Cloning - Serialization provides a fast way to deeply copy or clone an object. Deserializing the serialized bytes creates a new instance equivalent to the original object.
  • Migrations - Serializing objects allow them to be converted and migrated to newer systems or platforms through deserialization. The objects are decoupled from system internals.
  • Marshalling - In distributed systems, serialization enables marshalling/unmarshalling of objects for remote function calls. Arguments can be serialized and deserialized across processes.
  • Storage - Many databases and file formats use serialization techniques like JSON or Protocol Buffers to efficiently store and retrieve structured data to disk.
  • Networking - Serialization enables efficient transmission of structured data over networks. Data can be serialized into standard formats for transfer.
  • Versioning - Serialization provides version resilience, where newer code can deserialize older serialized formats through versioning the schema.

Python Implementation


Serialize and Deserialize an N-ary Tree



  1. Let's start by defining a class called Node that represents each Node in the tree. This class will have two properties: a value to store the Node's value and a list of children nodes.
  2. We'll create a serialize () function that takes the root node as its input.
  3. If the root is None (meaning there are no nodes), we'll simply return None as a base case.
  4. To represent each Node, we'll use a Python dictionary with two keys; 'value' to store the Node's value and 'children' to store a list initially.
  5. We'll recursively call serialize (), passing in the child node as an argument for every child of the root node.
  6. We'll then append the JSON string returned from each child to the 'children' list.
  7. Finally we can use json.dumps() to convert our dictionary into a JSON string, which will be our output.
  8. Recursively call serialize on all nodes until the base case is reached.


  1. To accomplish the task, follow these steps;
  2. Start by defining a function called "deserialize ()", which inputs a JSON string.
  3. Handle the base case; If the data is None, simply return None.
  4. Utilize the "json.loads()" function to parse the JSON string. Convert it into a Python dictionary.
  5. Create an instance of a Node by extracting the 'value' from the dictionary and initializing a list for its 'children'.
  6. Iterate through each item in the 'children' list within the dictionary.
  7. JSON string recursively invokes the "deserialize ()" function for each child, passing in the child data as an argument.
  8. Append the deserialized child node (returned by "deserialize ()") to the list of children in our created Node instance.
  9. Finally, return this Node with all its children properly attached.
  10. Continuously apply this process of calling "deserialize ()" on all serialized child strings until reaching our base case.
  11. Ultimately, it returns the deserialized root node that contains all its nested children.

This approach ensures we can serialize and deserialize tree structures effectively using JSON encoding while maintaining integrity.


Serialization involves converting a data structure, such as an N-ary tree, into a format that can be stored or transmitted. This process recursively encodes the nodes and relationships within the tree using formats like JSON or custom encodings. On the other hand, deserialization reconstructs the N-ary tree by decoding the nodes and structure from this linear representation. The purpose of serialization and deserialization is to facilitate tasks like storing, transmitting, cloning, migrating and caching data structures across environments. These operations are essential for persisting and communicating tree data structures effectively.

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