AVL Tree Implementation in Golang

In this article, we will explore AVL tree implementation by using Golang.

An AVL tree is a type of self-balancing binary search tree which keeps the tree balanced by keeping the variation between both the heights of the left and right subtrees to a maximum of one. This enables fast searching, insertion and deletion operations.

Implementation Procedures:

  • Searching: The search procedure is identical to that of a traditional binary search tree. We begin at the root node and verify the performance to be searched with the data of the current node. Then, we return the node of that tree if the data is retrieved. If the data of the node is less than the data of the current node, we move to the left child. If the data is more than that of the current node, we go to the correct child. We maintain repeating the procedure until we find the data or reach a leaf node.
  • Insertion: We begin by placing the node in the suitable place in the tree. We then work our way up the tree, checking the balancing factor at each node. When the balance factor of any node in that tree is greater than 1 or less than -1, we have to perform a rotation to restore the balance of the tree.
  • Deletion: The deletion procedure is very same to the insertion method, with the exception that we have to verify the balance factor at each node of the tree before removing the node. Additionally, a rotation is necessary if any node's balancing factor is greater than 1 or lower than -1.

The code of the AVL Tree in Golang is given below:

Golang Program:


AVL Tree Implementation in Golang

Time Complexity will be O(log n).

Auxiliary Space will be O(n).

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