ClassLoader in JavaJava ClassLoaderJava ClassLoader is an abstract class. It belongs to a java.lang package. It loads classes from different resources. Java ClassLoader is used to load the classes at run time. In other words, JVM performs the linking process at runtime. Classes are loaded into the JVM according to need. If a loaded class depends on another class, that class is loaded as well. When we request to load a class, it delegates the class to its parent. In this way, uniqueness is maintained in the runtime environment. It is essential to execute a Java program. Java ClassLoader is based on three principles: Delegation, Visibility, and Uniqueness.
Types of ClassLoaderIn Java, every ClassLoader has a predefined location from where they load class files. There are following types of ClassLoader in Java: Bootstrap Class Loader: It loads standard JDK class files from rt.jar and other core classes. It is a parent of all class loaders. It doesn't have any parent. When we call String.class.getClassLoader() it returns null, and any code based on it throws NullPointerException. It is also called Primordial ClassLoader. It loads class files from jre/lib/rt.jar. For example, java.lang package class. Extensions Class Loader: It delegates class loading request to its parent. If the loading of a class is unsuccessful, it loads classes from jre/lib/ext directory or any other directory as java.ext.dirs. It is implemented by sun.misc.Launcher$ExtClassLoader in JVM. System Class Loader: It loads application specific classes from the CLASSPATH environment variable. It can be set while invoking program using -cp or classpath command line options. It is a child of Extension ClassLoader. It is implemented by sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader class. All Java ClassLoader implements java.lang.ClassLoader. How ClassLoader works in JavaWhen JVM request for a class, it invokes a loadClass() method of the java.lang.ClassLoader class by passing the fully classified name of the class. The loadClass() method calls for findLoadedClass() method to check that the class has been already loaded or not. It is required to avoid loading the class multiple times. If the class is already loaded, it delegates the request to parent ClassLoader to load the class. If the ClassLoader is not finding the class, it invokes the findClass() method to look for the classes in the file system. The following diagram shows how ClassLoader loads class in Java using delegation. Suppose that we have an application specific class Demo.class. The request for loading of this class files transfers to Application ClassLoader. It delegates to its parent Extension ClassLoader. Further, it delegates to Bootstrap ClassLoader. Bootstrap search that class in rt.jar and since that class is not there. Now request transfer to Extension ClassLoader which searches for the directory jre/lib/ext and tries to locate this class there. If the class is found there, Extension ClassLoader loads that class. Application ClassLoader never loads that class. When the extension ClassLoader does not load it, then Application ClaasLoader loads it from CLASSPATH in Java. Visibility principle states that child ClassLoader can see the class loaded by the parent ClassLoader, but vice versa is not true. It means if Application ClassLoader loads Demo.class, in such case, trying to load Demo.class explicitly using Extension ClassLoader throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException. According to the uniqueness principle, a class loaded by the parent should not be loaded by Child ClassLoader again. So, it is possible to write class loader which violates delegation and uniqueness principles and loads class by itself. In short, class loader follows the following rule:
Consider the following Example: Compile and run the above code by using the following command: -verbose:class: It is used to display the information about classes being loaded by JVM. It is useful when using class loader for loading classes dynamically. The following figure shows the output. We can observe that runtime classes required by the application class (Demo) are loaded first. When classes are loadedThere are only two cases:
Static vs. Dynamic Class LoadingClasses are statically loaded with "new" operator. Dynamic class loading invokes the functions of a class loader at run time by using Class.forName() method. Difference between loadClass() and Class.forName()The loadClass() method loads only the class but does not initialize the object. While Class.forName() method initialize the object after loading it. For example, if you are using ClassLoader.loadClass() to load the JDBC driver, class loader does not allow to load JDBC driver. The java.lang.Class.forName() method returns the Class Object coupled with the class or interfaces with the given string name. It throws ClassNotFoundException if the class is not found. ExampleIn this example, java.lang.String class is loaded. It prints the class name, package name, and the names of all available methods of String class. We are using Class.forName() in the following example. Class<?>: Represents a Class object which can be of any type (? is a wildcard). The Class type contains meta-information about a class. For example, type of String.class is Class<String>. Use Class<?> if the class being modeled is unknown. getDeclaredMethod(): Returns an array containing Method objects reflecting all the declared methods of the class or interface represented by this Class object, including public, protected, default (package) access, and private methods, but excluding inherited methods. getName(): It returns the method name represented by this Method object, as a String. Output Class Name: java.lang.String Package Name: package java.lang -----Methods of String class ------------- value coder equals length toString hashCode getChars ------ ------ ------ intern isLatin1 checkOffset checkBoundsOffCount checkBoundsBeginEnd access$100 access$200 Next TopicJava Tutorial |
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