Count Names in Microsoft Excel

COUNT is a built-in function in Microsoft Excel used to count the number of cells. This function primarily come under the statistical function category, and these can be effectively used for the purpose of returning an integer as output or the outcome respectively.

Moreover, there are several other ways that can be used to count the cells in the given range with various users' criteria?for example, COUNTA, DISCOUNT, COUNTIF, etc.

The formula for the Count in Microsoft Excel

It was noticed that various value parameters are effectively used in the simple count function, which will count all cells containing numbers.

Count Names in Microsoft Excel

There are the various specific in-built Count Functions that are effectively listed below:

  1. COUNT: COUNT is primarily used to count out the number of cells containing the numbers in the excel sheet.
  2. COUNTIF: And now the COUNTIF in the excel sheet is usually used to count the number of cells containing the numbers and then satisfy the user's criteria respectively.
  3. DISCOUNT: Now, the DISCOUNT in the excel sheet is used to count out the cells containing some of the numbers in the particular selected database and effectively satisfy the user criteria.
  4. DCOUNTA: DCOUNTA in an excel sheet is purposely used to count all the non-blank cells in the particular selected database, which will satisfy the user criteria effectively.

How to CountNames in Microsoft Excel?

Counting Names in Microsoft Excel is a straightforward as well as easy function to make use of it. So, here are some examples that can help us Count Names in Microsoft Excel efficiently.

# Example 1: Counting out the Names that have Data on Age

Let us now assume that the particular user has some people's data such as Age and Name, in which the specific user needs to calculate the count of the Name with age data in the table below.

And now, on moving further, let us see how we can achieve this with the help of the count function respectively.

Step 1: First of all, we will open out Microsoft Excel from the start menu >> then go to Sheet1, where the user usually keeps the data respectively.

Count Names in Microsoft Excel

Step 2: After that, we will create the headers for Count Name in which the user wants to count Name with age data.

Count Names in Microsoft Excel

Step 3: And now, in this step, we will be moving on calculating the count of a name in the given respective data with the help of the Count function>> use the equal sign to calculate >> Write in D2 Cell and then make use of the use COUNT>> "=COUNT (".

Count Names in Microsoft Excel

Step 4: It will further ask for the value1 that is given in B2 to B10 cell >> after that, we will select out the cell that is B2 to B10 cell >> "=COUNT (B2: A10."

Count Names in Microsoft Excel

Step 5: Hit the Enter button to get the result or the outcomes effectively.

Count Names in Microsoft Excel

Summary or the conclusion of the example as mentioned earlier:

As noted, the user wants to calculate the count of the Name that has age data in the table as mentioned earlier; so, effectively, the 6 names in the above example have age data in the table, respectively.

# Example 2: Count Name that has Some Common String in it

Now on moving further, in this example, we will be assuming that a specific user has some people's data such as Name as well as Age in which the user primarily wants to calculate out the count of the Name that has "Jr." string standard in their Name.

Moving further, let us see how we can achieve this with the help of the COUNTIF function in Microsoft Excel.

Step 1:First, we will open out Microsoft Excel from the start menu >> and then go to Sheet 2, where the user has kept all the relevant data.

Count Names in Microsoft Excel

Step 2: We will create a header for the Count name with a "Jr." string standard in their Name.

Count Names in Microsoft Excel

Step 3: We will calculate the count of a name in the given data with the help of the COUNTIF function>> and then will make use of the equal sign to calculate >> Write in D2 Cell and use COUNTIF>> "=COUNTIF (".\

Count Names in Microsoft Excel

Step 4: And now after performing the above steps, it will then ask for value1 that are primarily given in A2 to A10 cell >> and then select A2 to A10 cell >> "=COUNTIF (A2: A10,"

Count Names in Microsoft Excel

Step 5: After that, it will be asked for the particular criteria that need to be searched only for the "Jr." string in the Name>>so write in D2 cell >> "=COUNTIF (A2: A10," *Jr.")".

Count Names in Microsoft Excel

Step 6: After performing the entire step, we will then press the Enter button.

Count Names in Microsoft Excel

Summary or the conclusion of the example mentioned above:

As it was noted that the particular user wants to count the Name with the "Jr." string common in their Name in the table as mentioned above, there 3 names in the above example that have the "Jr." string in their Name, respectively.

#Example 3: Number of Letters with Ending a Specific String in Microsoft Excel sheet

In this respective example, we will now assume that a particular user wants to count the names with 5 letters and the "ry" string common in their Name respectively.

So let us now see how we can achieve this with the help of the COUNTIF function.

Step 1: First, we will Open Microsoft Excel from the start menu >> and then go to Sheet 3, where the user has kept all the data efficiently.

Count Names in Microsoft Excel

Step 2: And now, in this step, we will create a header for the respective Count name that has 5 letters and a "ry" string standard in their Name.

Count Names in Microsoft Excel

Step 3: After that we will be then, calculating the count of a name in the given respective data with the help of the COUNTIF function>> and then make use of the equal sign to calculate >> Write in E2 Cell and use COUNTIF>> "=COUNTIF (".

Count Names in Microsoft Excel

Step 4:And soon after performing the above step, it will then ask for value1 that are given in A2 to A10 cell >>and then select A2 to A10 cell >> "=COUNTIF (A2: A10,".

Count Names in Microsoft Excel

Step 5: After that, it will then ask for the particular criteria, that needs to be searched only for the "ry" string in the Name having 5 letters>>after then we will write it in E2 cell >> "=COUNTIF (A2: A10,"???ry")".

Count Names in Microsoft Excel

Step 6: After performing the entire step, we will then press the Enter button.

Count Names in Microsoft Excel

Summary or the conclusion of the example as mentioned earlier:

As per the above-discussed example, we have noticed that the user usually wants to count the names with 5 letters in Name and the "ry" string common in their Name in the table above. So now basically, there are 2 names in the above example that effectively have a "ry" string in their Name with 5 letters.

Things to Remember About Count Names in Microsoft Excel

If you want to have a flawless output for all the formula of Count names, make sure you remember and follow the below-given points:

  1. The "Count Names" function falls under the statistical function category and can be suitably used to return an integer as output.
  2. And if a particular cell contains any random value not in numeric form, like text or#NA, then that will not be counted by the count function in any manner.
  3. After that, the asterisk (*) symbol can be now used in order to match any set of the characters in the COUNTIF criteria.
  4. And now, the question mark (?), which can beused as the wildcard characters, can be used to match any single character in the respective criteria of the function respectively.
  5. Besides all the above in the particular criteria, a user can efficiently make use of greater than ">", less than "<" or equal to "=" symbol in to create criteria these in the function. Example: "=COUNTIF (A2:A5,">=10")" here as the output it will be return out the count of the particular cell which has a value that is greater than or equal to value 10.

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