Shortcut Keys in Excel 2010

Shortcuts help us save time. It is a little bit irritating to be constantly stopped by the necessity to drag the mouse back and forth the mouse across the menus and ribbons to search for ordinary tasks of inserting tables or often essential actions. Excel 2010 has over 180 shortcut keys for quick navigation. However, not every one of them is helpful. Some of them are intended for very specific applications.

Shortcut Keys for Navigation

The following are the shortcut keys for navigation:

Shortcut KeyAction
Ctrl + HomeMove to Cell A1.
Shift + F11New Worksheet
Ctrl + EndThis shortcut will move to the last cell in the used range of the worksheet.
Ctrl + Page UpUsing this shortcut, we can move to the previous worksheet.
Ctrl + Page + DownWith the help of this shortcut, we can move to the next worksheet.
Alt + TabUsing this shortcut, we can switch to the next program.
Alt + Shift + TabUsing this shortcut, we can switch to the previous program.
HomeMove to the begin of the row.
Ctrl + EscThis shortcut will display the Windows start menu.
Ctrl + FRestore window size of current workbook.
F6Switch to the next pane in a Window that has been split.
Ctrl + F6This shortcut will switch to the next, open the worksheet window if we have more than one open workbook window.
Ctrl + Shift + F6We can return to the previous workbook window by using this shortcut.
Ctrl + F9Minimize the window.
Ctrl + F10Maximize the window.
Ctrl + .(period)This shortcut will take you to the next corner of the range you've chosen.
Ctrl + BackspaceScroll to display the active cell.
F5Show the GoTO dialog.
Shift + F5Show the Find dialog
Shift + F4Find next.

Shortcut Keys for Extending Selection

The following are the shortcut keys for extending selection:

Shortcut KeysAction
F8Extend mode can be turned on or off. EXT shows in the status line, and the arrow keys extend the selection.
Shift + F8Add another range of cells to the selection or use the arrow keys to move to the beginning of the range we wish to add.
Shift + arrow keyExtend the selection by one cell.
Ctrl + Shift + arrow keyThis shortcut extends the selection to the last non-bank cell in the same column or row as the active cell.
Shift + HomeThis shortcut will extend the selection to the row's starting.
Ctrl + Shift + HomeThis shortcut will extend the selection to the worksheet's beginning.
Ctrl+Shift+EndThis shortcut is used to extend the selection to the worksheet's last utilised cell in the lower-right corner.
Scroll Lock+Shift+HomeThis shortcut is used to extend the selection to the cell in the window's upper-left corner.
Scroll Lock+Shift+EndThis shortcut is used to extend the selection to the cell in the window's lower-left corner.
Shift + Page DownUsing this shortcut, we can extend the selection down to one screen.
Shift + Page UpUsing this shortcut, we can extend the selection up one screen.
End+Shift+HomeThis shortcut is used to extend the selection to the worksheet's last utilised cell in the lower-right corner.
End+Shift+EnterThis shortcut is used to extend the selection to the last cell in the current row.

Shortcut Keys for Borders

The following are the shortcut keys that we used for border:

Shortcut KeyAction
Alt + BWe used this shortcut to apply or remove the bottom border.
Alt + TThis shortcut is used to remove the top border.
Alt + RUsing this shortcut, we can remove the right border.
Alt + LUsing this shortcut, we can remove the left border.
Alt + HIf cells in several rows are chosen, then apply or remove the horizontal divider using this shortcut.
Alt + VIf a cell in several rows is chosen, then apply or remove the vertical divider.
Alt + UWith the help of this shortcut, we can apply or remove the diagonal border.
Alt + DWith the help of this shortcut, we can apply or remove the downward diagonal border.

Shortcut Keys for Data Entry, Formatting, and Calculating Data

The following are the shortcut keys which we used for data entry, formatting, and calculating data:

Shortcut KeysActions
EnterComplete a cell entry and select the next cell below.
Alt + EnterUsing this shortcut, we can start a new line in the same cell.
Ctrl + EnterUsing this shortcut, we can fill the selected cell range with the present entry.
Shift + EnterUsing this shortcut, we can select the next cell above after completing a cell entry.
TabComplete a cell entry and select the next cell to the right.
Shift+TabComplete a cell entry and select the previous cell to the left.
EscWe can use this to cancel a cell entry.
HomeMove to the line's starting.
F4 or Ctrl+YRepeat the last action.
Arrow keysMove one character left, right, up, or down
Ctrl+Shift+F3Creates names from row and column labels.
Ctrl+ DFill down
Ctrl + RFill to the right.
Ctrl+ F3We used this shortcut to define a name.
Ctrl + KUsing this shortcut, we can insert a hyperlink.
Ctrl+shift+ : (colon)Enter the time.
Ctrl+ ; (semicolon)Enter the date.
Alt+down arrowThis shortcut will show a drop-down list of the values in the current column of a range.
Ctrl+ZUndo the last action.
= (equal sign)Start a formula
Ctrl+ZUndo the last action.
BackspaceDelete one character to the left in the formula bar.
EnterComplete a cell entry from the cell or formula bar.
Ctrl+Shift+EnterEnter a formula as an array formula.
EscCancel an entry in the cell or formula bar.
Shift+F3Show the Insert Function dialog box in a formula.
Ctrl + AThis shortcut will show the function Argument dialog box when the insertion point is to the right of a function name in a formula.
Ctrl+Shift+AInsert the argument names and parentheses when the insertion point is to the right of a function name in a formula.
F3This will paste a defined name into a formula.
Alt+=(equal sign)This shortcut will insert an AutoSum formula with the SUM function.
Ctrl+Shift+"(+quotation mark)In the cell or the formula bar, copy the value from the cell above the active cell.
Ctrl+'(apostrophe)In the cell or the formula bar, copy a formula from the cell above the active cell.
Ctrl+' (backtick)Alternate between showing cell values and showing formulas.
F9Calculate all worksheets in all workbooks that are open. When a portion of formula is selected, calculate the selected portion and press Enter or Ctrl+Shift+Enter (for array formulas) to replace the selected portion with the calculated value.
Shift+F9Using this shortcut, we can calculate the active worksheet.
Ctrl+Alt+F9Calculate all worksheets in all open workbooks, whether or not they have changed since the previous calculation.
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F9Recheck dependent formulas and then calculate the cells in all open workbooks, even those not marked as computed.
F2Edit the active cell and position the insertion point at the end of the cell contents.
Alt + EnterUsing this shortcut, we can start a new line in the same cell.
BackspaceEdit the active cell and then clear it or delete the preceding character in the active cell as we edit cell contents.
DeleteDelete the character to the right of the insertion point or delete the selection.
Ctrl+DeleteWith the help of this shortcut, we can delete text to the end of the line.
F7Show the spelling dialog box.
Shift+F2With the help of this shortcut, we can edit a cell comment.
EnterComplete a cell entry and select the next cell below.
Ctrl+ZThis shortcut will help you to undo the last action.
Ctrl+Shift+ZWhen the Autocorrect, smart tag appears then undo or redo the last automatic correction.
DeleteClear the content of the selected cells.
Ctrl+ -(hypen)This shortcut will delete the selected cells.
Ctrl+Shift++(plus sign)This shortcut will insert the blank cells.
Alt+' (apostrophe)This shortcut will display the style dialog box.
Ctrl+1Display the Format cells dialog box.
Ctrl+Shift+~Apply the General number format.
Ctrl+Shift+%This shortcut will apply the percentage format without decimal places.
Ctrl+Shif+^This shortcut will apply the exponential number format with two decimal places.
Ctrl+Shift+#Using this shortcut, we can apply the date format with the day, month, and year.
Ctrl+Shift+@Using this shortcut, we can apply the time format with the hour and minute and AM or PM.
Ctrl+Shift+!Using this shortcut, we can apply the Number format with two decimal places, thousands, separator, and minus sign (-) for negative values.
Ctrl+BWith this shortcut, we can apply or remove the bold formatting.
Ctrl+UWith this shortcut, we can apply or remove the underline.
Ctrl+IWith this shortcut, we can apply or remove the italic formatting.
Ctrl+5This shortcut is used to apply or remove the strikethrough.
Ctrl+9This shortcut is used to hide the selected rows.
Ctrl+Shift+( (opening parenthesis)Unhide any hidden rows within the selection.
Ctrl+0 (zero)Hide the selected columns.
Ctrl+Shift+) (closing parenthesis)Unhide any hidden columns within the selection
Ctrl+Shift+&Using this shortcut, we can apply the outline border to the selected cells.
Ctrl+Shift+_(underscore)Using this shortcut, we can remove the outline border from the selected cells.

Shortcut Keys for Selecting Data and Cells

The following are the shortcut keys for selecting data and cells:

Shortcut KeyAction
Ctrl+spacebarSelect the complete column if we used this outside a table. Toggle between selecting the data, data, and headers, and the whole column if used inside a table.
Shift+spacebarSelect the complete row. Toggle between selecting the table row and the complete row if we are inside a table.
Shift+backspaceRevert selection to only the active cell if numerous cells are selected.
Ctrl+Shift+*Select the current region.
Ctrl+/Select the array containing the active cell.
Ctrl+Shift+O(letter O)Select the cells which contain comments.
Ctrl+\In a selected column, select the cells that don't match the current cell's value.
Ctrl+{ (opening square bracket)Select all cells that are directly or indirectly referenced by formulas in the selection.
Ctrl+] (closing square bracket)Select cells which comprise formulas that directly reference the active cell.
Ctrl+Shift+} (closing brace)Select cells which comprise formulas which directly or indirectly reference the active cell.
Alt+ ; (semicolon)This shortcut will select the visible cells in the current selection.

Shortcut Keys for Excel Ribbon

The following are some shortcut keys for Excel Ribbon:

Shortcut KeyActions
Ctrl+F1Using this shortcut, we can minimize or restore the Ribbon.
Shift+F10This shortcut will show you the shortcut menu for the selected command.
Alt/F10This shortcut will select the Ribbon's active tab and activate the access keys. In order to return to the document and cancel the access keys, press either of these keys again. Then use the left or right arrows to move left or right.
Space/EnterUsing this shortcut, we are able to active the selected command or control in the Ribbon, and select the desired menu or gallery.
EnterFinish changing a value in control in the Ribbon, move focus back to the document.
F1Get information about the command or control we have selected in the Ribbon. (If the selected command has no help topic associated with it, the Help table of content for that program is displayed instead)

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