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Android Google Map Displaying Current Location

In the previous tutorial of Android Google Map, we simply displayed the default coordinates (location) set by the class file.

Now in this tutorial we will display and place marker at the user current location. For doing this we need to generate Google Map API key. The process of generating Google Map API is described in tutorial Android Google Map.

To display the user current location we need to implements some interfaces and there callbacks methods.

Callback methods in Google Map

  1. OnMapRreadyCallback: This callback interface invokes when it instance is set on MapFragment object. The onMapReady(GoogleMap) method of OnMapReadyCallback interface is called when the map is ready to used. In the onMapReady(GoogleMap) method we can add markers, listeners and other attributes.
  2. LocationListener: This interface is used to receive notification when the device location has changed. The abstract method of LocationListener onLocationChanged(Location) is called when the location has changed.
  3. GoogleApiClient.ConnectionCallbacks: This interface provide callbacks methods onConnected(Bundle) and onConnectionSuspended(int) which are called when the device is to connected and disconnected.
  4. GoogleApiClient.OnConnectionFailedListener: This interface provide callbacks method onConnectionFailed(ConnectionResult) which is called when there was an error in connecting the device to the service.

The setMyLocationEnabled() method of GoogleMap is used to enable location layer, which allows device to interact with current location.

Example of Google Map Displaying Current Location

Let's see an example of Google Map which displays the current location of device.


Add a SupportMapFragment in fragment in activity_maps.xml file.


Add the following dependencies in build.gradel file.

Add the following code in file.

Request Runtime Permission

Android device having Android 6.0 (Marshmallow) or later are required some permission at runtime to access device functionality.

In the above file we added a runtime permission Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION which request to access device location. The runtime permission is checked using checkSelfPermission() method and return PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED or PackageManager.PERMISSION_DENIED. If permission granted than app proceeds for operation.

Required Permission in AndroidManifest.xml

Add the following user-permission in AndroidManifest.xml file.



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