How do I Delete Google History on my Android Phone

Browsing keywords over Google is a day to day activity of everyone's life. Whatever you search on your Android phone or tablet is your personal matter, but if someone else views Google search history on your phone, that private searched content can become too public. It is the main reason why you should regularly delete your Google search history on your Android phone, but it is not the only one reason to delete Google search history.

Whatever you search over Google in the past will impact the results you search in the future. This does not mean that Google is trying to follow you personally because the information is stored anonymously. It means the results that Google gives you may be affected by the keywords you searched for in the past. Google history also helps advertisers to understand your requirement for better ads targets.

However, if you see something annoying you don't want, or you don't want sites to extract your personal information, you should always prefer to delete Google history saved on your phone. Deleting (or cleaning) Google search history on an Android device is a simple and easy process.

Clear search history from the Google Search app

The "delete search history" or "clear search history" are synonyms and interchangeably used. So don't get confused if you find different terms used in Android devices.

Clearing your search history from the Google Search app is an easy task. You may choose either or both to remove your recent search quarry or all search history from your Android. The search quarries of different times have different ways to remove from the Google Search app on Android devices. For example, the quarries searched within 15 minutes can be deleted within that time. On the other hand, go through the steps below to delete your searches more detailedly.

Clear search history from the Google Search app on your Android phone

Following are the steps on how you can clear Google Search history from the Google Search app on your Android smartphones:

  1. Launch the Google Search app on your Android smartphone
    How do I Delete Google History on my Android Phone
  2. Tap on the profile picture or icon at the screen's upper right
  3. Tap on the Search history section
    How do I Delete Google History on my Android Phone
  4. Now, at the Search history screen, you will see different ways to delete your search quarries from history. You may remove them one by one or delete searched quarries in bulk.
  5. To delete each search history one by one, scroll down the Search history screen, and you will see your search history with a date. Please tap on the X icon next to the search history quarry you want to remove it.
    How do I Delete Google History on my Android Phone
  6. To delete bulk searched quarries at once, tap the blue Delete button, which drops down a different range option of your search history. Choose the period of search quarries you want to clear: Delete today, Delete custom range, Delete all time, or Auto delete. The first three options allow you to delete all searched quarries from the current day, delete between specific periods, and entire history, respectively. The Auto-delete option automatically deletes search history which is older than the option you choose from 3, 18, or 36 months.
    How do I Delete Google History on my Android Phone

In these two ways, you can permanently clear your Google Search history from the Google Search app on your Android device. However, your browser history remains there, and you need to remove them from the browser separately, as we discussed below.

The different browsers have different settings and UI structure, but they mostly follow the same process and steps.

Delete the Google History in Google Chrome

To delete your Google browsing history, cache or cookies on Chrome browser, follow the below-given steps (the steps may vary based on the chrome version you are using):

  1. Launch the Chrome browser app on your Android smartphone and tap on the three-dot menu.
  2. Tap on the Settings (alternatively, you can type "chrome://settings" in the search bar and tap the search or enter key).
    How do I Delete Google History on my Android Phone
    On the next screen, there is an option to choose the Basic or Advanced tab. In the Basic tab, you will get the option to quickly clear Google search history, while in the Advanced tab, you will get more options to delete separately.
  3. Under the Basic section, tap on privacy and security.
    How do I Delete Google History on my Android Phone
  4. Click on the Clear browsing data.
    How do I Delete Google History on my Android Phone
  5. Choose the time range (All time) from where you want to delete your browsing history and check the checkbox next to Browsing history.
  6. Now, click on Clear Data.
    How do I Delete Google History on my Android Phone

Delete the Google History in the Firefox browser

  1. Launch the Firefox browser app on your Android smartphone and tap on the three-dot menu.
  2. Tap on the Settings.
  3. Click on Delete browsing data.
  4. Mark the box you want to delete data (we select browsing history and site data) and tap on the Delete browsing data.
  5. Now, confirm your delete action by clicking on the DELETE option.

After performing the above action, your Google search history and website data disappear.

Set Up Auto-Delete

If you have trouble in deleting your Google data manually, you can delete your Google search history using the auto-delete function of Google. However, if you want to keep some data, it is better to avoid this feature. To auto-delete Google data, visit at Google Activity page and follow the below mentioned steps to set up the auto-delete function:

  1. Visit the Google Activity page and log in with your Google account.
  2. Now, click on the Web & App Activity section.
    How do I Delete Google History on my Android Phone
  3. Under the Web & App Activity screen, click on the Auto-delete section if it is off.
    How do I Delete Google History on my Android Phone
  4. Select the Auto-delete activity and then choose the activity data period you want to delete and then click on the Next button.
    How do I Delete Google History on my Android Phone
  5. Google will review some of your activity; if you are satisfied with the review, click on the Confirm button to continue.
    How do I Delete Google History on my Android Phone

How to prevent Google from showing my previous search history?

The different version of Google app has different setting options to stop showing previous searches. Launch the Google app on your smartphone and tap on the More menu option. On the next screen, click on the Settings option.

How do I Delete Google History on my Android Phone

Go to the General settings and then disable the Recent pages. In some devices, tap on the Account and privacy and uncheck the box next to "Show recent searches".

How do I Delete Google History on my Android Phone

Now you will no longer see the recent Google searches on your Android smartphone or tablet.

How to delete personal searches on Google Mobile?

To delete individual activity items from Google account, follow the steps:

  1. Launch the Settings app of your device and then go to Google > Manage your Google Account.
    How do I Delete Google History on my Android Phone
  2. At the top, click on the Data & privacy tab.
  3. Tap on My Activity.
    How do I Delete Google History on my Android Phone
  4. Find the item you want to delete from your search history.
  5. Click on the cross mark next to the content you want to remove. To see more search items click on More and delete them.
    How do I Delete Google History on my Android Phone

How to delete saved search keywords on Google?

To delete a saved search keyword on Google, follow the below mentioned steps:

  1. Open Google's Issue Tracker in your favourite web browser.
  2. In the left of the screen panel, find the saved searchyou want to remove from your account.
  3. From the drop-down menu of a saved search, click on the "Settings" option.
  4. Click on the Delete Saved Search button.
  5. Tap on the Yes option when prompted to confirm your delete action.

This action deletes your saved search keyboards from Google.

How to clear keyboard (Gboard) history on an Android smartphone

Different Android devices (model and version) have different settings functions but mostly follow the same structure.

  1. Launch the "Settings" option of your smartphone.
  2. Click on the "Additional settings."
    How do I Delete Google History on my Android Phone
  3. Tap on the "Keyboard & input method."
    How do I Delete Google History on my Android Phone
  4. Under Current keyboard, choose "Gboard."
    How do I Delete Google History on my Android Phone
  5. Click on the "Gboard."
    How do I Delete Google History on my Android Phone
  6. At the bottom of the Settings screen, tap on "Advanced."
    How do I Delete Google History on my Android Phone
  7. Look for the "Delete learned words and data" and tap on it.
  8. To confirm clear keyboard history action, enter the pop-up numeric code and tap "OK."
    How do I Delete Google History on my Android Phone

How to clear my keyboard history on a Samsung device?

  1. Launch the Settings icon of your Samsung phone or tablet.
  2. Click on the Language and input option.
  3. On the Language and input screen and tap on the Samsung keyboard.
  4. Make sure that the ″Predictive text″ option is turned On.
  5. Tap on the Clear personal data or Reset Settings.
  6. Confirm your delete action.

How to delete Google history on my Samsung?

  1. Launch the Settings icon and then tap on the Apps option.
  2. Click on the Internet.
  3. Now, tap on the More icon.
  4. Please scroll down to Settings and tap on it.
  5. Tap on Privacy.
  6. Click on the Delete personal data.
  7. Select whatever you want to delete cache, cookies and site data, or browsing history.
  8. Tap on DELETE.

Stay Anonymous Online

If you are extremely serious about protecting your privacy or want a guarantee of a great level of online anonymity, you can use the following:

  1. Use browser's incognito (private) mode.
  2. Use DuckDuckGo

Use Google Chrome's Incognito Mode

Open your Google Chrome browser and tap on the menu option present at top-right of Chrome screen. You will see the list of options and from their click on the New Incognito window. It will open a new window having dark grey with a spy icon on it. You can also use shortcut keys Ctrl + Shift + N to open it. Whatever you do in the Incognito window is not saved on your search history, and searches go disappear as soon as you terminate the window.

How do I Delete Google History on my Android Phone

While the incognito mode is a good way to keep your search history clean, it doesn't improve your security. Your IP address remains visible in private mode. It only prevents storing long-term data on the device.

Use DuckDuckGo Search Engine

If you want to give up on Google altogether, switch to the DuckDuckGo self-titled "privacy-conscious search engine."

How do I Delete Google History on my Android Phone

Unlike other search engines, when you click on a link to open via DuckDuckGo search engine, the site you are visiting doesn't know anything about the words you are used to searching. Your data is also not stored for advertising purposes as this search engine generates revenue based on the keywords that user searches for rather than the person's details.

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