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8 Parts of Speech Definitions and Examples

Picture that its your cleaning and re-arranging day. You plan to organize your almirah. To begin you take out all the clothes from your almirah and dump in on your bed. Then you begin sorting by separating the shirts; pants; socks and so on. No you fold the pants and create a stack of them; you do the same thing for your shirts; socks and other clothes.

8 Parts of Speech Definitions and Examples

So, what did you just do? You organized your apparels on the basis of their functions and the purpose they serve. Similarly in English language ; we organize our words and terms on the basis of their functions ; purpose and features they have.

And this categorization and re-organization of the words on the basis of the functions is known as parts of speech.

Parts Of Speech - The First Step To English Language

To learn to run, you must first learn to take steps. The same may be said about learning English. To speak the language fluently, you must first understand the grammar and the associated rules.

Words in the English language can be perplexing at times due to their propensity to have several meanings. As a result, we utilize a concept known as parts of speech to better comprehend and analyze words and their meaning. The term 'parts of speech' refers to a group of words with comparable grammatical qualities in conventional English grammar.

A single word may serve as a distinct component of speech depending on the circumstances. The phrase 'parts of speech' is rarely used in current linguistics and is frequently substituted with terms such as syntactic category or word classes.

There are eight parts of speech in the English language, and we will examine each one and provide an instance of how each is utilized in a phrase or a sentence.

8 Parts of Speech Definitions and Examples

Introduction To Parts Of Speech

Parts of speech are the first step in learning English. It is also an integral part for improving your spoken English abilities. The parts of speech in English are as follows: noun, verb, pronoun, adverb, adjective, preposition, conjunction, and interjection.

Words in English can be categorised owing to their different forms, meanings, places, and functions. Every word in English is part of speech. The word's importance indicates where it fits in the parts of speech. A new student must understand the components of speech in English.

The English language may be learned using the suitable way. The complete and methodical approach can aid with your English language mastery. Basic grammar subjects are being given more weight in various kinds of competitive examinations.

You must be aware of the many parts of speech that might be used in your conversation. Language learning is not complete without a thorough understanding of the parts of speech. The parts of speech are given substantial weight in English as a language for both writing as well as communicating. If you want to develop your language abilities, you must start from the beginning from the fundamentals that form the basis of the English Language. Are you ready to take your first steps?

When utilized in different contexts, the same word might serve as more than one part of speech. Only parts of speech can be used to determine the correct meaning of a word.

The many roles that a word plays in a phrase are referred to as parts of speech. Form class words include nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs, while the function class words include pronouns and conjunctions.

What Exactly Is A Part Of Speech?

The English language has numerous words, and each word serves a purpose. Some words are used to demonstrate activity, others to connect, and yet others to label something. Parts of speech encompass all of the roles played by words in the English language.

Definition Of Parts Of Speech

Parts of speech are "traditional grammatical groups to which words have been assigned in line with their syntactic processes, including noun, verb, adjective, adverb, and so on." They pertain, to the many functions that words might play in a phrase or a sentence and how they connect to one another depending on grammar and syntax.

So what does Parts of Speech encompass ?

  1. Words are divided into categories.
  2. Words should be placed in grammatical groupings.
  3. Some words can serve as substitutes for other components of speech.
8 Parts of Speech Definitions and Examples

Examples of the Eight Parts of Speech

Learning the eight parts of speech is essential for language mastery. Each component serves a distinct role in sentence construction and meaning communication. These components serve as the foundation for good communication.

Let us look at each part of speech, their purposes, and examples to help you understand their importance in creating meaningful and cohesive sentences.

1. Noun

A noun is a term that specifies the name of something, someone, a place, a concept, or an activity. Nouns are the most common type of word in the English language. There are two types of nouns: common and proper.

Proper nouns refer to the name of an individual, item, or place, whereas common nouns imply to a location, thing, or individual.

Singular and plural nouns are both acceptable. Singular nouns are frequently used in conjunction with an article (a, an, the). Nouns can function as a subject, an object, or subject complements in a statement.

Gender, number, and case are all attributes of nouns. Concrete and abstract nouns are the two types of nouns. Concrete Nouns are nouns that express physical existence, such as titles of places and things.

Examples of Noun

  1. Jenny and Reema are terrific employees (Name of the person )
  2. London and Italy are my favourite holiday destinations in the World (Name of places )
  3. The ship almost sank in the big ocean (Name of a Thing )
  4. The kitty leaped on his owners lap (Name of an animal )
  5. Honesty and Dedication are two green flags for me in a person's personality. (Name of quality )
  6. Carl was feeling nervous and thrilled at the first day of his big job (Name of feeling )
  7. The coming of my brother made everyone happy in the family.
  8. He requested for justice for all the female workers.(Name of idea )

Some more examples

  1. The puppy was sting by insects.
  2. The robber hid himself.
  3. Tina purchased a car.
  4. He came with his wife.
  5. The meowing of the cat was heard by all.

Now let us have a look at the examples Of Noun on the basis of its types or kinds.

  • Abstract nouns are nouns utilized to describe ideas, thoughts, states of mind, processes, attributes, and so on. Equality, truth, speech, joy, sadness, kindness, and faith are some examples.
  • Concrete nouns are classified into four types: common nouns, proper nouns, collective nouns, & material nouns.
  • Proper nouns are the names of individuals, locations, nations, rivers, anime, and so on. They are precise. Gangtok, Chennai, Europe, France, the Alps, Mars, and Tom are some examples.
  • Common Nouns: Common nouns relate to individuals or locations that fall into specific categories. They are of a general nature. Child, college, apple, backpack, book, instructor, and nurse are some examples.
  • Collective nouns relate to groups of people of the same type who are treated as a single unit. Examples include the army, squad, government, and audience.
  • Material nouns are the names of the materials or substances that they are made of. Examples include- Silver, silk, lead, Thermocol, rice, glass ;

Here are sentence examples of these ;

  1. Jenna is my elder sister (Proper Noun )
  2. I studied various magazines in a month for my competitive exam (Common Noun )
  3. Emily parker her scooter in the garage yesterday night. (Concrete Noun )
  4. His happiness made everyone smile in the party. (Abstract Noun )
  5. We were surrounded by flock of sheep on our way to the village.(Collective Noun )
  6. My father-in law purchased a new flat this month (Compound Noun )
  7. The artist displayed 10 paintings at the Artist Exhibition this week. (Countable Noun )
  8. The runner got his bottle of water with him yesterday. (Non-Countable Noun )
  9. Enna's bike is being fixed in the garage. (Possessive Noun )
  10. Her return was a happy news for all. (Verbal Noun )

2. Verb

A verb is a grammatical core and one of the most important sentence parts. Every statement has a subject and a predicate. The main element of the predicate is the verb, which is employed to describe an event, action, or state of being. Verbs simply describe what the subject of the sentence is doing. The most prevalent types of verbs are action verbs as well as linking verbs.

Although the latter aids in visualizing the subject's action, the previous one conveys the subject's beings, identity, or existence. Verbs change shape and have new ends added to them. These ends demonstrate the verb's link to time, which is referred to as verb tense.

The verb is also considered a doing verb. It's also classified as an action term. The verbs express actions. It may additionally explain a phenomenon's existence or occurrence. In addition, the verb can express ideas, imagery, mood, continuity, habit, condition, and sensory aspects.

Transitive Verbs: Object-taking verbs are known as transitive verbs.

Example: Krishna arranges folders.

Intransitive Verbs: An intransitive verb is one that does not require an object.

Example: Krishna sits by itself.

Examples Of Verbs In Sentences On The Basis Of The Types ;

  1. The monkey jumped on the terrace. (Action Verb )
  2. Rina is intelligent.(State of being )
  3. Lina smashes the shuttle cock over the net. (Action verb )
  4. The music souns terrible. (State of being )
  5. Elina walked the kitten in the backyard today morning. (Action Verb )

Examples Of Functions Of Verbs In Sentences

  1. Carl writes a note to her boyfriend. (Transitive verb, since it includes an object )
  2. Carl writes nicely. (Intransitive verb since no object )
  3. Danny walked the kitten in the lawn yesterday morning. (Transitive verb, since it includes an object )
  4. Danny walked in the lawn yesterday morning.(Intransitive verb since no object )
  5. Erina became an intern hairstylist. (Intransitive verb since no object )

Examples Of Verb Voices In The Sentences

  1. Jenny rode the scooter to the college. (Active Voice )
  2. The car was drove by Jenny. (Passive Voice )
  3. Lucy led the team in the project. (Active Voice )
  4. The team project was led by Lucy (Passive Voice )
  5. The murderer was punished by the Judge( Passive Voice )

Here are some more examples of verbs in the sentences ;

  1. Lina threw the plate.
  2. She opened the gate.
  3. Helen plays Piano.
  4. Henry is watching the new movie.
  5. My friends are going to the market.
  6. I play Chess.
  7. I love writing articles in my free time.
  8. He can bake delicious cakes. (Here the sentence has the main verb as well as the helping verb, Here bake is the main verb and can is the helping verb)
  9. Rosy writes beautiful poems.
  10. The students are always gossiping in the lunch break.
8 Parts of Speech Definitions and Examples

3. Pronoun

A pronoun is a term that is utilized as a substitute for a noun in a statement. The pronoun should be utilized after a noun has been utilized in the sentence before.

There are nine different types of pronouns in English. The various sorts of pronouns are classified according to their purposes and meanings.

Possessive pronouns are utilized to convey ownership, personal pronouns are utilized when referring to a person or object, demonstrative pronouns are utilized for pointing to the noun, reflexive pronouns are utilized to highlight another pronoun or a noun, while relative pronouns are utilized when introducing a subordinate clause.

Examples Of Pronouns On The Basis Of Its Types

Personal Pronouns

Personal pronouns are classified into three types: first-person pronouns, second-person pronouns, as well as third-person pronouns.


  1. She has misplaced her pen.
  2. It is pouring outside.
  3. A colleague says that they are heading for an excursion.

Reflexive Pronouns

These are formed through the addition of -self in the singular as well as -selves in the plural to pronouns like your, my, him, her, in addition to it.


  1. We completed it ourselves.
  2. She injured herself.
  3. He handled himself.

Emphatic Pronouns

Emphatic Pronouns are utilized to give emphasis whenever forms like -self and -selves are utilized.


  1. The leader of the government himself greeted the audience.
  2. I completed this myself.
  3. The kid herself broke the wire.

Interrogative Pronouns

These pronouns are utilized to ask questions.


  1. Who is your tango instructor ?
  2. What information do you have about her ?
  3. Who is in charge of the job ?

Distribute Pronouns

These Pronouns are utilized to refer to certain people or things. The distributive pronouns are each, any, and neither.


  1. Each of you will be penalized.
  2. Neither of these people collaborated with me.
  3. Either of these will come at finish first.

Reciprocal Pronouns

Those pronouns that indicate a mutual connection. Each other as well as one another are reciprocal pronouns.


  1. They hate each other.
  2. We assist one another.
  3. Two friends compete each other.

Indefinite Pronouns

Those are utilized in a broad sense, without relation to specific items or people.


  1. Everyone was welcomed to the celebration.
  2. Something is not right.
  3. One should be cautious about the issues relating to the finances.

Demonstrative Pronouns

This kind of Pronouns are utilized to point out items or individuals.

This, that, those, and these are examples of demonstrative pronouns.

  1. This home belongs to our aunt.
  2. These novels must be delivered by next week.
  3. Those are your colleagues.

Relative Pronouns

The pronoun that relates to the noun prior to it. It contains the words whose, whom, who, whereas, and which.


  1. This is a novel which I'd want to read.
  2. These are tales that kids will enjoy reading.
  3. This is the young man who won first place.

4. Adjective

An adjective is the statement's modifier; it characterizes the noun or pronoun. An adjective basically provides extra details about the statement's subject. It provides answers to inquiries such as what kind, how many, and so on. In English, adjectives can have superlative or comparative ends. There is usually an article - the prior to the adjective for superlative. Adjectives do not modify or agree with nouns.

Adjectives can be used as nouns. They supplement the meaning of a noun. It can also be used to alter a noun. Adjectives are often utilized to describe things in both comparative as well as superlative ways. There are various types of adjectives.


  1. English is a universal language that can help you communicate with everyone around the world. (Proper Adjective )
  2. Rina had gorgeous (Descriptive Adjective )
  3. My daughter purchased a costly (Qualitative Adjective )
  4. The brown dog ran across the streets. (Attributive Adjective )
  5. The dog is brown. (Predicative Adjective )
  6. My wife has a single aim for career. (Quantitative Adjective )
  7. I can serve for 4 hours in a day. (Numeral Adjective )
  8. I wish to punish those individuals for this crime.(Demonstrative Adjective )
  9. Daniel wishes that every individual must be kept safe. (Distributive Adjective )
  10. What time will you be coming for the event? (Interrogative Adjective )
  11. The kids will finish their task by Sunday. (Possessive Adjective )
  12. It is steep, lengthy road that goes next to the house. (Sequence Adjective )
  13. Elina is jolly and happy (Coordinate Adjectives )
  14. That was the an awful old person who came to the shop this evening. (Cumulative Adjective )
  15. The robber is a warm-blooded (Compound Adjective )
  16. The contractor bought a home in the nation. (Article Adjective )
  17. Jona just wants a few minutes of yours. (Indefinite Adjective )
  18. The second individual in the queue fainted on the street. (Ordinal Adjective )
  19. The three women were prisoned for lifetime. (Cardinal Adjective )
  20. Rozy had beautiful hair. (Descriptive Adjective )

5. Adverb

Adverbs, like adjectives, are used to alter or describe the verb, adjective, or adverb in a statement. Adverbs typically describe the time, condition, or state. It frequently finishes in -ly.

However, several adverbs do not end in -ly, such as also, never, frequently, again, too, well, soon, and very. When employed in a question, the terms why, where, when, and how are referred to as interrogative adverbs.

The adverb qualifies the verb. It provides additional information regarding the manner of a specific activity. It can change not just verbs but also adjectives and adverbs. Adverbs are classified into several categories.

Examples of various kinds of Adverb in sentences

  1. He has succeeded slowly and cautiously on the assignment. (Adverb Of Manner )
  2. Denny will come back soon. (Adverb of Time )
  3. Rina put her textbook there. (Adverb Of Place )
  4. They are extremely (Adverb of Degree )
  5. He never finishes his homework on time. (Adverb Of Frequency )
  6. She handed a little to the needy people. (Adverb Of Quantity )
  7. She climbed forward on to the ground. (Adverb Of Direction )
  8. Hopefully, I will be able to come an attend the seminar today. (Adverb of uncertainty )
  9. Tina went to the market, however, she didn't purchase anything. (Conjunctive Adverb )
  10. Yes, I will be arriving to the party today. (Adverb of Affirmation )

Some more examples of Adverb in sentences

  1. She seeked assistance very earnestly.
  2. The old man runs quickly.
  3. She greeted him warmly.
  4. Helen walks slowly after the injury.

6. Preposition

A preposition is a term in a statement that demonstrates the link between the a noun or pronoun as well as another word. The relationship formed by a preposition can be directional, spatial, or temporal. Prepositional phrases are formed when pronouns are joined with nouns or pronouns. Prepositional phrases are typically used as an adverb or an adjective.

Prepositions are words that come prior to a noun or a pronoun. A pronoun is utilized to indicate how a noun or pronoun is related to other words in a phrase.

Let us have a look at examples of types of Prepositions;

  1. Elina came on Sunday evening. (Preposition Of Time )
  2. The glass is kept on the desk. (Preposition Of Place )
  3. Daniel will drive his car to the college every Friday. (Preposition of Movement )
  4. Rekha goes to school by (Preposition Of Manner )
  5. Jona is cutting the wood with her new axe. (Preposition Of Agent )
  6. The shop sells books by (Preposition Of Measure )
  7. Camila got her payment from her office this morning. (Preposition of Source )
  8. This is the land of my late grandfather. (Preposition of Possession )


  1. The pencil is on the desk.
  2. We stopped at the train station.
  3. This is a tale I've told before.
  4. These are individuals of principle.
  5. Between you and her, I will never believe what Amma says.
  6. The medical store is across the road.
  7. Place the veggies in the fridge, please.
  8. Should he put more salt to the veggies ?
  9. Mani works with my brother at the garage.
  10. The kitten is sitting beside my chair.

7. Conjunction

A conjunction is a term that connects the statement's words, clauses, or other phrases. It also shows the link between the sentence's components. A conjunction can be divided into four types.

Coordinating conjunctions, Subordinating conjunctions, Conjunctive adverbs, and Correlative conjunctions are all types of conjunctions.

  • A coordinating conjunction connects independent clauses (sentences) or words that have comparable meanings. (since, and, nor, but, or, still, so )
  • Subordinating conjunctions link the subordinate clause to the remainder of the sentence, which is referred to as an independent clause. (because, rather than, before, if, even if, once,).
  • Conjunctive adverbs, frequently referred to as transitional words, connect one sentence to the next (instead, also, additionally, additionally).
  • The coordinating conjunction is combined with a separate phrase in corelative conjunctions.

Examples of Conjunctions in the Sentences on The Basis Of The Types ;

  1. Rina and Danny went to wildlife park during their Summer vacation. (Coordinating Conjunction )
  2. Unless the rain comes, the farming of the vegetables will become challenging. (Subordinating Conjunction )
  3. Diana is both helpful and trustworthy. (Correlative Conjunction )
  4. We are great colleagues ; However I feel you have misunderstood me. (Conjunctive Adverb )
  5. The thunderstorm not only broke the trees but also caused harm to numerous houses in the surrounding. (Correlative Conjunctions )
  6. Interjection

An interjection is a word that is introduced to a phrase to indicate emotion. An interjection is not grammar-wise related to the phrase; it can appear either prior to or following the main sentence, exists alone, and is frequently followed by an exclamation mark.

The phrase interjection is derived from the Latin words inter (which means between) and jacre (which means to throw). So an interjection is a word that you insert between the remainder of the text when you're experiencing the need to exclaim.

Interjections are commonly employed in informal writing but are uncommon in scholarly writing.

Examples Of Interjection

  1. Wow! It's a fantastic dress !
  2. Oops! I am very sorry.
  3. Hurray! They have been victorious !
  4. Ah!, I wanted this chocolate !
  5. I win the championship, Yay !
  6. Eww! It stinks very badly.
  7. Bravo! you did it.
  8. Oh no! Its been a terrible week.
  9. Yipee! I got the first prize in art competition.
  10. Alas!. I was not able to make it.

Articles and determiners are they parts of speech?

Articles (a, an, the) and determiners (that, my, some) are two more components of speech that exist in sentences. So, why are there just eight rather than ten parts of speech?

Although some style guides and lists include articles and determiners as parts of speech, these are actually adjectives. They change nouns to make the sentence more detailed.

  1. The instructor asked me some queries.
  2. I gave my sister an envelope.
  3. She found several chicks in the farm.
  4. Do you want any fruit ?
  5. Kindly give me those books.


Understanding the parts of speech is only the first step toward creating a proper sentence. However, parts of speech differ slightly from parts of sentences - and you must understand both to correctly organize your work. Otherwise, you can come across grammar errors like sentence fragments or run-on phrases.

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