Q. 1 Which of the following is an output device?

  1. Keyboard
  2. Joy Stick
  3. Printer
  4. None of the above

Ans. (c) Printer

Explanation: The CPU processes the input data, and the result is presented to the user using output devices.

Here, the keyboard and joystick are input devices, and the printer is an output device.

Q. 2 Which of the following is an input device?

  1. Monitor
  2. Mouse
  3. Hard Disk
  4. Printer

Ans. (b) Mouse

Explanation: The input devices are used to input data into a computer.

Here, the monitor and printer are output devices, the hard disk is a storage device, and the mouse is an input device.

Q. 3 Which of the following is used to store data in a computer?

  1. Hard Disks
  2. CPU
  3. Monitor
  4. None of the above

Ans. (a) Hard Disks

Explanation: Storage devices are used to store data in computers. Hard disk is a form of storage device.

Q. 4 Which of the following is referred to as the brain of a computer?

  1. RAM
  2. ROM
  3. Monitor
  4. CPU

Ans. (d) CPU

Explanation: The CPU is called the brain of the computer because all the data processing takes place in the CPU only.

Q. 5 What is the full form of the CPU?

  1. Central Program Unit
  2. Central Programming Unit
  3. Central Processing Unit
  4. Centralized Processing Unit

Ans. (c) Central Processing Unit

Q. 6 What makes the 5th generation computer different from previous generations?

  1. Object-Oriented Programming
  2. Scientific Code
  3. Technological Advancement
  4. All of the Above

Ans. (c) Technological Advancement

Explanation: The parallel processing hardware and AI (Artificial Intelligence) software that are the foundation of the fifth generation of computers. Computer science's developing field of artificial intelligence (AI) examines how to program computers to think like people. This generation uses every high-level language available, including Java, .NET, C and C++.

Q. 7 Which of the following computer language used for artificial intelligence?

  3. C
  4. COBOL

Ans. (a) PROLOG

Explanation: The term "prologue" refers to logic-based programming. It is a language for artificial intelligence. A Prolog-based artificial intelligence will look at the relationship between a fact, a true statement, and a rule, a conditional statement, in order to formulate a question or end goal.

Q. 8 Which of the following is referred to as volatile memory?

  1. Read-only Memory (ROM)
  2. Random Access Memory (RAM)
  3. Hard Disks (HDs)
  4. Compact Disks (CDs)

Ans. (b) Random Access Memory (RAM)

Explanation: Random Access Memory (RAM) is a volatile storage medium. This means that information is kept in RAM while the computer is running, but it is erased when the machine is powered off. The operating system and other files are frequently loaded from an HDD or SSD into RAM when the computer is restarted.

Q. 9 Who is regarded as the "father" of the minicomputer and one of the founding fathers of the modern computer industry around the world?

  1. Basic Pascal
  2. Seymour Cray
  3. George Tate
  4. Kenneth H. Olsen

And. (d) Kenneth H. Olsen

Theory - American engineer Kenneth Harry "Ken" Olsen (February 20, 1926 - February 6, 2011) co-founded Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) in 1957 with his brother Stan Olsen and workmate Harlan Anderson.

He established Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC), which created the minicomputer, and invented the magnetic core memory. Early computers were built on magnetic core memory, however more modern devices do not frequently employ it. However, it was a significant development in data storage at the time and was essential to the building of computers. Additionally, DEC's creation of the minicomputer started a trend that culminated with the personal computer by bringing computing power to smaller enterprises and academic researchers.

Q. 10 A piece of equipment installed on a communication satellite that receives, amplifies, and retransmits signals from an earth station is called a

  1. Transponder
  2. Track
  3. Terminal
  4. None of the above

Ans. (a) Transponder

Theory - Transponders are wireless communications, monitoring, or control devices that detect incoming signals and react instantly. The words transmitter and responder are combined to form the word. Transponders come in passive and active varieties.

Q. 11 Choose the correct option

  1. Arithmetic Processing unit is not a part of the CPU
  2. RAM is used to store data permanently
  3. Mouse is only used to input data
  4. All of the above

Ans. (c)


  1. The Arithmetic Processing Unit (APU) is a part of the CPU
  2. Random Access Memory (RAM) is a volatile memory and cannot be used to store data permanently.
  3. Mouse is an input device used to input data.

So, option (c) is the correct answer.

Q. 12 ____________ is the term used to describe communication that uses computers and phone lines to establish a connection.

  1. Teleprocessing
  2. Micro-processing
  3. Telecommunications
  4. All of the above

Ans. (c) Telecommunications

Explanation: Information is transmitted electronically over distances through telecommunications. The data could take the shape of voice calls, data, text, photos, or video. These days, telecommunications are utilized to connect relatively far-flung computer systems to networks.

Q. 13 What kind of device enables the user to expand the features and parts of a computer system?

  1. Storage devices
  2. Input devices
  3. Output devices
  4. Expansion slots

Ans. (d) Expansion Slots

Explanation: A computer's expansion slot is a socket on the motherboard where an expansion card (or circuit board) is inserted to add extra functions like video, sound, enhanced graphics, Ethernet, or memory.

The expansion card has a row of contacts intended to create an electrical connection between the motherboard and the electronics on the card, which are mainly integrated circuits, and an edge connector that exactly fits into the expansion slot.

Q. 14 When an input electrical signal A=1101101 is applied to a NOT gate, its output signal is

  1. 0010010
  2. 1011010
  3. 0110110
  4. 1011011

Ans. (a) 0010010


When a sequence or combination of binary digits is passed to a NOT gate, it changes 1 into 0 and 0 into 1. Here, the output for the 1101101 will be 0010010.

So, (a) is the correct option.

Q. 15 In the United States, the first functional commercial typewriter was created in 1867 by

  1. Christopher Latham Sholes
  2. Carlos Glidden
  3. Samuel Soule
  4. All of the above

Ans. (d) All of the above

Theory - A mechanical or electromechanical keyboarding device known as a typewriter is used to input text. A typewriter typically contains a variety of keys, and by pressing each key deliberately against the paper with a type element, a different single character is formed on the paper. A typewriter user was also referred to as a "typewriter" at the end of the nineteenth century. Although the first commercial typewriters were developed in 1874, offices did not start using them often until the middle of the 1880s.

Q. 16 A large computer system frequently makes use of:

  1. Line printers
  2. Ink-jet printers
  3. Dot-matrix printers
  4. Daisy wheel printers

Ans. (a) Line Printers

Theory: An impact printer that produces one line of text at a time using a continuous paper feed is known as a line printer. Although high-speed laser printers have largely supplanted them, multi-part form printing is still possible with them. Therefore, they are still used in some offices. Bar printer is another name for a line printer.

Q. 17 The characteristics of first-generation computers include

  1. Vacuum tubes and magnetic drum
  2. Minicomputers
  3. Magnetic tape and transistors
  4. None of the above

Ans. (a) Vacuum tubes and Magnetic Drum

Theory - Vacuum tubes were the primary memory and CPU (Central Processing Unit) circuitry components in the first-generation computers. These tubes generated a lot of heat, much like electric lights did, and the installations frequently fused. As a result, only extremely large corporations could afford them due to their high cost.

This generation predominantly used operating systems for batch processing. Input and output devices included punch cards, paper tape, and magnetic tape. This generation's computers were programmed using machine code.

Q. 18 Unlike Mark I, ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator) employed electronic valves instead of electromagnetic switches, giving it a significant advantage. ENIAC was initially employed to determine the trajectory of artillery projectiles. What other weapon design was it used for?

  1. Hydrogen bomb
  2. Atom bomb
  3. Antimissile
  4. Fighter aircraft

Ans. (a) Hydrogen Bomb

Theory - The first programmable, electronic, general-purpose digital computer was ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer), which was finished in 1945. These capabilities were present in earlier computers, but the ENIAC possessed them all in one comprehensive package. It had a Turing-complete architecture and could be reprogrammed to address "a vast class of numerical problems." Its initial assignment was to perform calculations for the creation of a hydrogen bomb.

Q. 19 The computer programming language that is popular in business, as well as computer science and engineering, is

  1. COBOL
  3. LISP

Ans. (b) PASCAL

Theory - Niklaus Wirth created the imperative and procedural programming language PASCAL as a compact, effective tool to promote suitable programming methods that make use of data structuring and organized programming. The French mathematician, philosopher, and physicist Blaise Pascal was honored by the choice of his name for the object.

The ALGOL 60 language served as a model for the creation of Pascal. As part of the ALGOL X initiatives, Wirth was participating in the language improvement process and proposed a version called ALGOL W.

Q. 20 The preferred method of data transfer when link establishment takes a long time, and data size is little is

  1. Circuit switching
  2. Packet switching
  3. Time-division multiplexing
  4. None of the above

Ans. (b) Packet Switching

Explanation: In order to move data more effectively across digital networks utilising different network devices, packet switching divides the data into smaller units called packets or blocks. To find the fastest way to transfer the data across the network at the time, each device that sends a file to another does so by splitting the file up into packets. The packets can then be forwarded via the network devices to the destination, where the receiving device will reassemble them for usage.

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