
A KB is the unit symbol for the 'Kilobyte'. A Kilobyte is made up of multiple-unit bytes, which stores the digital information and denotes data size. A byte is a size, which is made up of 8 bits. A bit is a single unit of data. It can be '0' or '1'. And the short forms of kilobyte are K, K-byte, and kByte.

In the word kilobyte, kilo denotes the 1000 or third power of 10, which means 103. In computer science and IT, the kilobyte refers to as 1024 or 210 bytes.

A kilobyte is that unit, which is larger than a byte (B) and smaller than the unit megabyte (MB). Kilobyte is used for measuring the size of small files. An electronic mail (e-mail) without the images contains 2 kilobytes.

Other data units to Kilobyte conversion

Following list shows the values of kilobytes in other data units:

S.No.Other UnitsValues in Kilobytes
1.1 Bit equals to0.000125 Kilobytes
2.1 Kilobit equals to0.125 Kilobytes
3.1 Kibibit equals to0.128 Kilobytes
4.1 Megabit equals to125 Kilobytes
5.1 Mebibit equals to131.072 Kilobytes
6.1 Gigabit equals to125000 Kilobytes
7.1 Gibibit equals to134218 Kilobytes
8.1 Terabit equals to1.25e+8 Kilobytes
9.1 Tebibit equals to1.374e+8 Kilobytes
10.1 Petabit equals to1.25e+11 Kilobytes
11.1 Pebibit equals to1.407e+11 Kilobytes
12.1 exabit equals to1.25e14 Kilobytes
13.1 Exbibit equals to1.41e+14 kilobytes
14.1 Yobibits equals to1.511e+20 Kilobytes
15.1 Nibble equals to0.0005 Kilobytes
16.1 Byte equals to0.001 Kilobytes
17.1 Kilobyte equals to1 Kilobytes
18.1 Kibibyte equals to1.024 Kilobytes
19.1 Megabyte equals to1000 Kilobytes
20.1 Mebibytes equals to1.048.58 Kilobytes
21.1 Gigabytes equals to1e+6 Kilobytes
22.1 Gibibytes equals to1.074e+6 Kilobytes
23.1 Terabytes equals to1e+9 Kilobytes
24.1 Tebibytes equals to1.1e+9 Kilobytes
25.1 Petabytes equals to1.0e+12 Kilobytes
26.1 Pebibytes equals to1.126e+12 Kilobytes
27.1 exabytes equals to1.0e+15 Kilobytes
28.1 Exbibytes equals to1.1529e+15 Kilobytes
29.1 Zettabytes equals to1.0e+18 Kilobytes
30.1 Yottabytes equals to1.0e+21 Kilobytes
31.1 Yobibytes equals to1.209e+21 Kilobytes

Conversion of 1 Kilobyte into some common data-storage units

Following list shows the conversion of 1 kilobyte into other common data storage units:

S.No.1 kilobyteCommon data storage units
1.1 KB equals to8000 bits (bit)
2.1 KB equals to8 kilobits (kbit)
3.1 KB equals to0.008 megabits (Mbit)
4.1 KB equals to8.0E-6 gigabits (Gbit)
5.1 KB equals to8.0E-9 terabits (Tbit)
6.1 KB equals to1000 bytes (B)
7.1 KB equals to1 kilobytes (KB)
8.1 KB equals to0.001 megabytes (MB)
9.1 KB equals to1.0E-6 gigabytes (GB)
10.1 KB equals to1.0E-9 terabytes (TB)

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