History of the Internet


The Internet, commonly referred to as "the Net," is a global wide area network (GWAN) or a network of networks that links computer systems all over the world. Generally, it is a worldwide system of computer networks that have different high-bandwidth data lines, which includes the Internet "backbone." Users at any computer can access information from any other computer via the internet (assuming they have authorization). It was known as the ARPANet for the first time, and in 1969, the ARPA, called Advanced Research Projects Agency, conceived the internet. Allowing communication between users and devices from any distance was the primary objective to create the network. You will need an Internet service provider (ISP) in terms of connecting to the Internet since they operate as a middleman between you and the Internet. Most Internet service providers provide you DSL, cable, or fiber connection to connect to the internet. Below is a table that contains an overall history of the internet.

1960This is the year in which the internet started to share information s a way for government researchers. And, the first known MODEM and dataphone were introduced by AT&T.
1961On May 31, 1961, Leonard Kleinrock released his first paper, "Information Flow in Large Communication Nets."
1962A paper talking about packetization was released by Leonard Kleinrock. Also, this year, a suggestion was given by Paul Baran for the transmission of data with the help of using fixed-size message blocks
1964Baran produced a study on distributed communications in 1964. In the same year, Leonard Kleinrock released Communication Nets Stochastic Message Flow and Design, the first book on packet nets.
1965The first long-distance dial-up link was established between a TX-2 computer and a Q-32 at SDC in California by Lawrence G. Roberts of MIT and Tom Marill of SDC in California with a Q-32. Also, the word "Packet" was coined by Donald in this year.
1966After getting success at connecting over dial-up, a paper about this was published by Tom Marill and Lawrence G. Roberts.
In the same year, Robert Taylor brought Larry Roberts and joined ARPA to develop ARPANET.
1967In 1967, 1-node NPL packet net was created by Donald Davies. For packet switch, the use of a minicomputer was suggested by Wes Clark.
1968On 9 December 1968, Hypertext was publicly demonstrated by Doug Engelbart. The first meeting regarding NWG (Network Working Group) was also held this year, and on June 3, 1968, the ARPANET program plan was published by Larry Roberts.
1969On 1 April 1969, talking about the IMP software and introducing the Host-to-Host, RFC #1 was released by Steve Crocker. On 3 July 1969, a press was released for announcing the public to the Internet by UCLA. On August 29, 1969, UCLA received the first network equipment and the first network switch. CompuServe, the first commercial internet service, was founded the same year.
1970This is the year in which NCP was released by the UCLA team and Steve Crocker.
1971In 1971, Ray Tomlinson sent the first e-mail via a network to other users.
1972In 1972, the ARPANET was initially demonstrated to the general public.
1973TCP was created by Vinton Cerf in 1973, and it was released in December 1974 with the help of Yogen Dalal and Carl Sunshine. ARPA also launched the first international link, SATNET, this year. And, the Ethernet was created by Robert Metcalfe at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center.
1974In 1974, the Telenet, a commercial version of ARPANET, was introduced. Many consider it to be the first Internet service provider.
1978In 1978, to support real-time traffic, TCP split into TCP/IP, which was driven by John Shoch, David Reed, and Danny Cohen. Later on, on 1 January 1983, the creation of TCP/IP was standardized into ARPANET and helped create UDP. Also, in the same year, the first worm was developed by Jon Hupp and John Shoch at Xerox PARC.
1981BITNET was established in 1981. It is a time network that was formerly a network of IBM mainframe computers in the United States.
1983In 1983, the TCP/IP was standardized by ARPANET, and the IAB, short for Internet Activities Board was also founded in the same year.
1984The DNS was introduced by Jon Postel and Paul Mockapetris.
1986The first Listserv was developed by Eric Thomas, and NSFNET was also created in 1986. Additionally, BITNET II was created in the same year 1986.
1988The First T1 backbone was included in ARPANET, and CSNET and CSNET merged to create CREN.
1989A proposal for a distributed system was submitted by Tim Berners-Lee at CERN on 12 March 1989 that would later become the WWW.
1990This year, NSFNET replaced the ARPANET. On 10 September 1990, Mike Parker, Bill Heelan, and Alan Emtage released the first search engine Archie at McGill University in Montreal, Canada.
1991Tim Berners-Lee introduced the WWW (World Wide Web) on August 6, 1991. On August 6, 1991, he also unveiled the first web page and website to the general public. Also, this year, the internet started to be available to the public by NSF. Outside of Europe, the first web server came on 1 December 1991.
1992The main revolution came in the field of the internet that the internet Society was formed, and NSFNET upgraded to a T3 backbone.
1993CERN submitted the Web source code to the public domain on April 30, 1993. This caused the Web to experience massive growth. Also, this year, the United Nations and the White House came, which helped to begin top-level domains, such as .gov and .org. On 22 April 1993, the first widely-used graphical World Wide Web browser, Mosaic, was released by the NCSA with the help of Eric Bina and Marc Andreessen.
1994On April 4, 1994, James H. Clark and Marc Andreessen found the Mosaic Communications Corporation, Netscape. On 13 October 1994, the first Netscape browser, Mosaic Netscape 0.9, was released, which also introduced the Internet to cookies. On 7 November 1994, a radio station, WXYC, announced broadcasting on the Internet, and it became the first traditional radio station for this. Also, in the same year, the W3C was established by Tim Berners-Lee.
1995In February 1995, Netscape introduced the SSL (Secure sockets layer), and the dot-com boom began. Also, the Opera web browser was introduced to browsing web pages on 1 April 1995, and to make voice calls over the Internet, the Vocaltec, the first VoIP software, was introduced.
Later, the Internet Explorer web browser was introduced by Microsoft on 16 August 1995. In RFC 1866, the next version of HTML 2.0 was released on 24 November 1995.
In 1995, JavaScript, originally known as LiveScript, was created by Brendan Eich. At that time, he was an employee at Netscape Communications Corporation. Later LiveScript was renamed to JavaScript with Netscape 2.0B3 on December 4, 1995. In the same year, they also introduced Java.
1996This year, Telecom Act took a big Decision and deregulated data networks. Also, Macromedia Flash that is now known as Adobe Flash was released in 1996.
In December 1996, the W3C published CSS 1, the first CSS specification. As compared to postal mail, more e-mail was sent in the USA. This is the year in which the network has ceased to exist as CREN ended its support.
1997In 1997, the 802.11 (Wi-Fi) standard was introduced by IEEE, and the internet2 consortium was also established.
1998The first Internet weblogs arose in this year, and on February 10, 1998, XML became a W3C recommendation.
1999In September 1999, Napster began sharing files, and Marc Ostrofsky, the business.com, the most expensive Internet domain name for $7.5 million on 1 December 1999. Later on, on 26 July 2007, this domain was sold for $345 million to R.H. Donnelley.
2000The craze of dot-com began to decrease.
2003The members of CERN took the decision to dissolve the organization on 7 January 2003. Also, this year, the Safari web browser came into the market on 30 June 2003.
2004The Mozilla Firefox web browser was released by Mozilla on 9 November 2004.
2008On 1 March 2008, the support b AOL for the Netscape Internet browser was ended. Then, the Google Chrome web browser was introduced by Google on 11 December 2008, and gradually it became a popular web browser.
2009A person using the fictitious name Satoshi Nakamoto published the internet money Bitcoin on 3 January 2009.
2014On 28 October 2014, W3C recommended and released the HTML5 programming language to the public.

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