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A Pb is the unit symbol for the 'Petabyte'. A Petabyte is made up of multiple-unit bytes, which stores the digital information and denotes the size of data. A byte is a size, which is made up of 8 bits. A bit is a single unit of data. It can be '0' or '1'. And, the short form of Petabyte is Pbyte.

A petabyte is equal to 1015 bytes or 250 bytes.

1 Petabyte is equivalent to the following values:

  • 1024 Terabytes (Tb),
  • 1 million gigabytes, or
  • 1,000,000,000,000,000 bytes.

The size of the petabyte is slightly less than pebibyte. A petabyte is rarely used in measuring the storage capacity of devices. It is mostly used for measuring the data, which is stored in large computer networks or server farms. Like, Facebook and Google, two internet companies store more than 100 petabytes of data on their servers. Petabyte (Pb) is that unit that is larger than a terabyte (Tb) and smaller than the unit exabyte (Eb).

Other data units to Petabyte conversion

Following list shows the values of petabytes in other data units:

S.No. Other Units Values in Petabytes
1. 1 Bit equals to 1.25e-16 Petabytes
2. 1 Kilobit equals to 1.25e-13 Petabytes
3. 1 Kibibit equals to 1.28e-13 Petabytes
4. 1 Megabit equals to 1.25e-10 Petabytes
5. 1 Mebibit equals to 1.31072e-10 Petabytes
6. 1 Gigabit equals to 0.000000125 Petabytes
7. 1 Gibibit equals to 0.000000134217728 Petabytes
8. 1 Terabit equals to 0.001 Petabytes
9. 1 Tebibit equals to 0.0001374 Petabytes
10. 1 Petabit equals to 0.125 Petabytes
11. 1 Pebibit equals to 0.14073748835533 Petabytes
12. 1 exabit equals to 125
13. 1 Exbibit equals to 144.11518807586
14. 1 Yobibits equals to 1.5111572745183e+8
15. 1 Nibble equals to 5e-16
16. 1 Byte equals to 1e-15 Petabytes
17. 1 Kilobyte equals to 1e-12
18. 1 Kibibyte equals to 1.024e-12 Petabytes
19. 1 Megabyte equals to 1e-9 Petabytes
20. 1 Mebibytes equals to 1.048576e-9 Petabytes
21. 1 Gigabytes equals to 0.000001 Petabytes
22. 1 Gibibytes equals to 0.000001073741824 Petabytes
23. 1 Terabytes equals to 0.001 Petabytes
24. 1 Tebibytes equals to 0.00109951 Petabytes
25. 1 Petabytes equals to 1 Petabytes
26. 1 Pebibytes equals to 1.1258999068426 Petabytes
27. 1 exabytes equals to 1000 Petabytes
28. 1 Exbibytes equals to 1152.9215046068 Petabytes
29. 1 Zettabytes equals to 1000000 Petabytes
30. 1 Yottabytes equals to 1e+9 Petabytes
31. 1 Yobibytes equals to 1.2089258196146e+9 Petabytes

Conversion of 1 Petabyte into some common data-storage units

Following list shows the conversion of 1 Petabyte into other common data storage units:

S.No. 1 Petabytes Common data storage units
1. 1 PB equals to 8.0e+15 bits (bit)
2. 1 PB equals to 8000000000000 kilobits (kbit)
3. 1 PB equals to 8000000000 megabits (Mbit)
4. 1 PB equals to 8000000 gigabits (Gbit)
5. 1 PB equals to 8000 terabits (Tbit)
6. 1 PB equals to 1.0e+15 bytes (B)
7. 1 PB equals to 1000000000000 kilobytes (KB)
8. 1 PB equals to 1000000000 megabytes (MB)
9. 1 PB equals to 1000000 gigabytes (GB)
10. 1 PB equals to 1000 terabytes (TB)

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